Our Bylaws Washington State Weed Association
Article I — Name
The name of this organization shall be "Washington State Weed Association," herein referred to as the "Association."
Article II — Objectives
The objectives of this Association shall be:
- To encourage the proper use of improved weed control practices within the State of Washington and to foster an educational program including the sponsoring of an annual state meeting so as to bring together those who are concerned with weeds and their control.
- To cooperate with local, state, regional, and national agencies, both public and private, in the solution of problems and/or in the proposal of legislation relating to weeds.
- To encourage research on weed control and related matters in both governmental and private agencies.
- To sponsor desirable weed laws and law changes as may be essential to the state weed program, and to serve as a clearing house for the legislative request of various organizations regarding the weed program.
Article III — Membership
Any person interested in weeds or weed control shall be eligible for active membership.
Article IV — Officers
The officers of the Association shall be a president, vice-president and a secretary. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association by a vote of the active members present and voting. The officers shall serve for one year, beginning at the close of the annual meeting and ending at the close of the next annual meeting, or until their successors have been elected and qualified.
Except under unusual conditions, the vice-president will usually accede to the presidency the year following the term as vice-president. The president and vice-president shall not be eligible to hold the same office the second time.
The secretary shall be eligible for re-election to the same office. Should a vacancy occur in the office of president, the vice-president shall become president. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a member appointed by the board of directors.
In addition, there shall be a business manager-treasurer who shall serve an indefinite term. This office shall be filled by the board of directors and all active members shall be eligible for this office.
Article V — Board of Directors
All affairs of the Association when not in session shall be managed by the board of directors in accordance with the Constitution of the Association. The board shall be composed of the following members: president, vice-president, secretary, immediate past president, past president and business-manager-treasurer.
In addition, 12 members to serve on the board will be elected by the general membership. Terms will be staggered so that four members will be elected at the annual meeting of the Association by a vote of the active members present and voting. All terms of the board of directors shall be for three years.
Six of the expected directors shall come from the Western side of the State of Washington. Six of the directors will come from the eastern side of the State of Washington. The Cascade Mountains will be used as the boundary designating the east and west side.
Half of the elected board members shall come from the public sector and half shall come from the private sector.
Should a vacancy occur in the membership of the board of directors (other than president) it shall be filled for the unexpired term by a member appointed by the board of directors. One more than half of the elected or appointed Board Positions shall constitute a quorum.
Article VI — Meetings
The meeting of the Association shall be held at least once each year at such time and place as the board of directors shall determine. The president, or in his absence the vice-president, or in the absence of both, a president pro tempore elected by the members present, shall preside at all meeting of the Association and of the board of directors.
Article VII — Committees
The president may appoint such committees, their members and chairman, as he deems necessary to assist in carrying out the purposes of the Association.
Article VIII — Registration Fees
The annual registration fees for active membership shall be determined by the board of directors.
Article IX — Amendments
The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the active members present at any regular meeting of the Association.
Article X — Other Procedure
Accounts of the business-manager-treasurer shall be audited annually. The auditor's report shall be presented at the annual business meeting.
All items of procedure not covered herein shall be governed by "Robert's Rule of Order."
Article XI — Authorization
The adoption of this constitution shall render null and void all previous rules and regulations of this Association.